Germanic Gods enter the arena

Published on 30.04.2024 in News

At the heart of Germanic mythology resound the names of six gods: Baldur, Tyr, Widar, Freyr, Ull and Njörðr, who have shaped the cosmic order of the present world. These powerful personalities, embodiments of male strength, power and triumph, are leading the world towards its inevitable end – Ragnarok. Their stories, full of unique characteristics and individual cults, reflect the diversity of religious beliefs and practices of ancient Europe. Presenting the Gods series, complementing the highly acclaimed Goddesses collection for collectors.

Meet the Germanic Gods

Each Gods Silver Cast Bar is a window opening onto the unfathomable world of ancient myths, allowing a better understanding of the world of the Germanic gods.

Baldur, the hero of the first staff, is a god who embodies beauty and purity. The son of Odin and Frigg, he exudes a radiance that illuminates the darkness of the mythological world, bringing hope and enlightenment. Baldur is considered the most beautiful and magnificent of the gods. His charm attracted everyone around him and his wisdom was a source of inspiration. However, Baldur’s fate was a foregone conclusion from the start. Loki’s betrayal led to his tragic death, which became another milestone in the coming Ragnarok. Nevertheless, in Germanic mythology, Baldur’s death does not mark the end of his existence – the god will return after Ragnarok and become the highest of gods, dwelling in a new world.

Baldur, the hero of the first staff, is a god who embodies beauty and purity.

Tyr is the god of justice and war, the patron of warriors and mythical heroes. He is one of the oldest gods. Stories proclaim that he was equal in age to Odin himself, and even held supreme power for a time. In the myths, Tyr is often shown as a one-armed warrior with a sword (sax). As the keeper of oaths and guardian of justice, he did not always agree with Odin’s decisions, courageously standing against him. Odin’s son Thor, on the other hand, was a warm friend of Odin’s and together they went on dangerous expeditions. The moment of Tyr’s dethronement was depicted as his right hand being bitten off by the wolf Fafnir, for breaking his word.

Tyr is the god of justice and war, the patron of warriors and mythical heroes.

Widar is a mysterious and powerful god, notable for his introspective nature. He rarely speaks at gatherings of the gods, preferring action over words. Passionate about travel and horse riding, he has a deep connection with nature, reflected in his rarely inhabited estate of Widi, which is overgrown with bushes and vegetation. As Odin’s son, he plays a pivotal role in Ragnarok, where he avenges his father by killing Fenrir by tearing open the beast’s maw. After the apocalyptic end of the world, Widar becomes one of the new rulers. The figure of Widar is a reminder of the cycle of life, death and rebirth, and of the power inherent in silence and concentration on important goals.

Widar is a mysterious and powerful god, notable for his introspective nature.

The finest quality and prized precision

Each two ounce bar is cast with the incredible precision so characteristic of Germania Mint products. On top of this, it is enriched with a colourful print. It is a collector’s gem, but also an investment specimen, fusing innovation with the mystical depth of tradition.

The Gods will be released – like Goddesses – every two months from April 2024 and will be available from Germania Mint Distributors.

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