Design guidelines
- File saved in tiff or psd.
- Size: 1:1 (Real size of a coin, e.g. 3.5 cm -> approx. 1600 px)
- Resolution: 1200 dpi.
- Colour space: CMYK without embedded output profiles
- The psd or tiff file should ultimately consist of the following separate layers:
- Scan or visualisation of a coin (c)
- Graphics adjusted to the relief of the coin (b)
- Graphics with trappings “bleeds” (colour stroke at least 0,3 mm from the edge of the graphic) (a)
or (our preferred variant):
- Scan or visualization of a coin (a)
- Graphics adjusted to the relief of the coin (ideally the graphics should be with bleeds and at the same time cut with a mask to the shape which is to be finally printed) (b)
6. When exporting the file to tiff format, remember to keep it transparent!
7. We work with programs from Adobe package (inter alia Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator) and Corel Draw X5.
8. If we receive files in other formats, we check their printing capabilities in terms of printing.