FSC Certificate
As a global leader in the production of numismatic packaging, we pay attention to ensuring that the footprint of our activities in the natural environment is as minimal as possible. We are committed to ensuring that our supply chain and the production process itself are based on practices that are environmentally friendly and sustainable. In our view, what we leave behind for future generations is one of the aspects of social responsibility in business.
We are proud to announce that the expression of these efforts is our achievement of the supply and production standard compliant with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standard, and the awarding of the FSC® certificate.
What is the FSC Certificate®

The FSC® certificate is awarded by the Forest Stewardship Council to manufacturers who meet the condition of having a supply chain that is 100% based on suppliers certified by this organization. This means that every time the FSC® logo is present on one of our packages, we guarantee that it has been produced from materials certified by FSC®.
Our Certifications
Our company, Germania Mint Sp z o.o., has received certificate number SGSCH-COC-070649 and has been positively verified for compliance with the following standards:
- FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1 – Chain of Custody Certification
- FSC-STD-40-003 V2-1 Chain of Custody Certification of Multiple Sites – November 2014
- FSC-STD-50-001 Requirements for use of the FSC trademarks by Certificate Holders
Along with the main certificate, our sister companies, Germania Mint Packaging Sp. z o.o. and Germania Mint Print House Sp. z.o.o., have also been certified.

Benefits for Our Partners
The receipt of the FSC® certificate by us is not only an expression of our care for the environment but also holds significant importance in the context of the high standards imposed on us by our clients and business partners. With our FSC® certification, any entity collaborating with Germania Mint in the field of numismatic packaging can easily fulfill the certification requirement for their company. Our advisors and customer support will assist in selecting technologies and types of packaging to ensure that the final product meets these requirements.
We invite you to collaborate with us!