This year Germania has reached the destination of a journey that began in 2019. For years, she traversed boundless seas and impassable lands, finally discovering a magical realm full of mysteries and extraordinary charm. Standing deep within an ancient forest, by a river bend, surrounded by monumental stones adorned with runes, she embraces her destiny. In this place, Germania is crowned as the queen of these lands – the Germanic Queen. Accompanying her are two faithful emissaries of Odin – black ravens, guardians of secrets and symbols of wisdom.
But this is only the beginning of her new path…
On the obverse of the coin, Germania is depicted in a manner reminiscent of her first image in the series, though this time her head is adorned with a royal crown, replacing the laurel of victory she wore for years. The design’s perspective once again expands with each coin in the collection – 1, 2, 10 ounces, and 1 kilogram. On the reverse, the majestic two-headed eagle, symbolizing strength and independence, continues to appear.
Each coin, designed by Mateusz Frąckowiak, is placed in a lens capsule with Certificate of Authenticity contains all the necessary information and guarantees the coin’s originality.